Finals Dutch International Flute Competition
Are you a bachelor student, master student, traverso student or a young talent? Then register for your category. Every year more than 150 flute students from 25 different countries and all continents participate in this competition. In 2025 we will organize another competition for piccolo students. We offer you a well-organized competition, a great festival and the opportunity to gain contacts for life...
January 1, 2024: deadline for signing-up online
February 15, 2024: deadline for submitting your video performance
March 15, 2024: announcement of the participant selection
April 15 to 17, 2024: 2nd round (live)
April 18, 2024: 3rd round (live)
April 19, 2024: rehearsal day (and start of the festival)
April 20, 2024: final round traverso students
April 20, 2024: Grand Finale bachelor and master students with the Philzuid
April 20, 2024: concert with the laureates and orchestra
April 21, 2024: final round young talents