Adams Musical Instruments - Together in Music

Trio KomponistInnenLeben

Music composed by women played by women. Flutist Susanne Schrage, soprano Maria Regina Heyne and pianist Ina Otte impressively demonstrate what concentrated "women's power" is capable of and will incite the audience to ever new storms of enthusiasm.

KomponistInnenLeben examines the inner life of women composers, spanning three centuries to the present day. Clara Schumann's frustrations find their way into the programme alongside rare historic compositions such as those by Claude Arrieu and Cecile Chaminade. Contemporary compositions accompany the audience through turbulence and disorientation to today: Aachen composer Ursula Wawroschek sets poems by Robert Gernhardt; the renowned Jacqueline Fontyn interprets Morgenstern’s Galgenlieder for soprano, flute and piano; while Cologne’s Heike Beckmann rears a slightly ironic monument to “Today's Woman”. The three musicians slip in and out of a variety of roles, shedding light — at times
humorously, at times sobering — on the lives of women composers.