Tanasit Siripanichwattana
Inspired to be a world-class Percussionist, Tanasit is unanimously recognized as the youngest talent among the leading Asian percussionists in this era. As Tanasit immersed himself in music since young, his musicianship has fully developed. His endless deep dive into music has allowed him to successfully perform various roles in the music realm: a music artist, instructor, guest judge, and composer.
Tanasit’s music excellence is reflected in numerous scholarships and performance awards. Graduated his Bachelor’s Degree in Music Performance with Kae Hashimoto and Shane Taylor Constant from College of Music, Mahidol University, Tanasit received full scholarship and obtained First Class Honors with GPA 3.92. He has also granted Asian Uninet Scholarship from Universitat fur Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (MDV) to study percussion performance with the tutorship under Mag.art. Mag.phil. Dr.phil. Walter Veigl, Anton Muhlhofer, Anton Mittermayr (Timpanist of Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra), and Eduard Kutrowatz in Vienna, Austria for 1 year. Later, Tanasit obtained his Master’s Degree in Marimba Specialization in the class of marimba virtuoso Ludwig Albert at The Royal Conservatory of Dance, Music and Theater in Antwerp, Belgium and graduated his Postgraduate Degree with Greatest Distinctions. Moreover, he has attended several master classes
from well-known marimbists and percussionists: Ludwig Albert, Leo Ouderits, Brian S Mason, Igor Lesnik, PercaDu, Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic, Axom duo, Lin Chin Cheng, Gordon Stout, Peter Sadlo and Mark Ford.
Throughout the years, Tanasit has been an active member of various Music Ensembles, Bands and Orchestras: Santa Clara Vanguard Drums and Bugle Corps in Drum Corps International (DCI, USA), International Youth Wind Orchestra (WASBE)2005-2007, Southeast Asian Youth Orchestra and Wind Ensemble, Mahidol Wind Symphony, Mahidol Wind Ensemble, Mahidol Orchestra, Mahidol Integrated Percussion Ensemble, Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra, Siam Philharmonic Orchestra, Bangkok Symphony Orchestra, Galayani Vadhana Institute Orchestra, MDW Orchestra, MDW Percussion Ensemble, Vienna Contemporary Music Ensemble, and the Flanders Marimba Ensemble.
Tanasit is strongly committed to music education through various forms of music classes, percussion workshops and master classes in conjunction with his solo recitals. Of his teaching contributions, he has been percussion performance instructor at Chulalongkorn University, Rangsit University, Srinakharinwirot University, and Thai Youth Orchestra.
Indeed, despite his age, Tanasit was invited to be a distinguished jury member for Thailand’s 1st Marimba Competition in Percussion Conference at Mahidol University, as well as for YAMAHA Thailand Drumline Contest.
Tanasit’s unique gift has been exceptionally highlighted through his musical achievements. In 2012, he won both 1st prize in solo percussion and Chamber music as well as Paolo Serrao Prize (special prize for full score winner) in the European Music Competition, Italy. Later in the same year, Tanasit formed Multus Percussion Duo, acting as an instructor, solo-duo artist, and jury member in Multus Solo and Duo Concert at 4th International Percussion Competition in China and at Burapha University during MUPA present ROAD to ASEAN festival. In 2013, Tanasit founded Zenith Percussion Ensemble who participated in Percussion Ensemble competition in World Category at World Music Contest 2013, Kerkrade, The Netherlands. His efforts have led the ensemble to win 3rd
prize in overall, receiving gold medal from exceptional scores of 92.67.
Currently, Tanasit is a Drumlines and Drum Corps composer; Multus Percussion Duo and Bangkok Symphony Orchestra member; Zenith Percussion Ensemble head; and percussion instructor at Thai Youth Orchestra and Conservatory of Music, Rangsit University. He is an official endorser of Adams Musical Instruments (The Netherlands) and a sole user of Ludwig Albert’s marimba.