Niels van Heertum
Niels Van Heertum started playing the euphonium at the age of eight. With a background in both classical and jazz music, Niels went further on the path of jazz euphonium at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, where he studied with John Ruocco and Kris Defoort, among others.
Attending masterclasses and private lessons by Sergio Carolino, Chris Speed, Brian Bowman, Ellery Eskelin and Samuel Blaser. In 2010 he formed the band Ifa y Xango, together with six fellow musicians.
The band won the prestigious Gent Jazz Contest 2011 and played at the Gent Jazz Festival in 2012. Their critically aclaimed debut album ‘Abraham’ was selected as ‘best debut of the year’ by the New York
City Jazz Magazine.
Among his regular bands and projects are Veder, Linus, Book of Air, MikMâäk, Chantal Acda and Lynn Cassiers’ Imaginary Band. In 2017 he made his first solo record, co-released by granvat and
Smeraldina-Rima. In the same year Niels and two partners started a record label for adventurous music, called Aspen Edities. The young label released his quartet Veder’s debut album ‘evergreen’. In 2018
Niels won the Sabam Jazz award for young talent. Since 2015 he is working with choreographer and theater director Alain Platel, having toured in over 30 countries among which South-Africa,
Brazil, Canada, Australia and many more.
Over the years Niels has collaborated with people like Bill Frisell, Jakob Bro, Billy Hart, Shahzad Ismaily, Ernst Reijseger, Christian Wallumrød, Fabrizio Cassol, Eric Boeren, Jozef Dumoulin, Eric
Thielemans, Lander Gyselinck, Joachim Badenhorst, Fulco Ottervanger, Teun Verbruggen, Nils Økland, Ingar Zach, Eivind Lønning, Arno Bakker, among others.
Requiem pour L.
Theatrale muziekvoorstelling van Fabrizio Cassol en Alain Platel (Les Ballets C de la B).140 voorstellingen in 2018-2020, wereldwijd (Europa, Zuid-Afrika, China, VS, Canada)
Artist in Residence
Cultuurcentrum De Warande, Turnhout, seizoen 2018-2019
Sabam Jazz Award 2018
Award voor Jong Talent, uitgereikt op het Gent Jazz Festival door minister van cultuur Sven Gatz. De jury accentueert het pionierswerk als euphoniumspeler, een minder
bekend instrument binnen de jazz en improvisatie.
Aspen Edities
Opstarten en leiding nieuw label voor avontuurlijke muziek met vier releases in seizoen 2017-2018.
Leiding en composities voor Veder, internationaal kwartet.
Centrale Gast ‘BRAND! Jazzfestival’
Driedaags festival in Mechelen (kc nona).
Opname, productie album. Reeks soloconcerten in België, Nederland, Brazilië.
En avant, Marche!
Dans/Theatervoorstelling van Alain Platel (NTGent, Les Ballets C de la B). 150 voorstellingen in 2015-2017, wereldwijd (Europa, Australie, Brazilië, Canada), telkens in samenwerking met lokale blaasorkesten.