Adams Musical Instruments - Together in Music

Hans-Reiner Schmidt

What makes a professional musician like Hans-Reiner Schmidt trust Adams of all companies when it comes to selecting his instruments? As usual, he does not think twice about the answer:

First of all, this company is quite large, therefore it offers an unusually wide variety of brass and percussion instruments. It’s almost like a year-round instrumental trade fair, with innovations newly developed by the in-house shop, along with top models of all renowned makers of musical instruments. Whether it concerns trombone or euphonium, Adams is the musical specialist offering me the “free play" I desire for my personal ideas of sound. It is not limited to the generous testing opportunities, the friendly guidance, and the top-of-the line service, which is an Adams company standard. It also extends to the friendly contact, the professional yet relaxed atmosphere and, last but not least, the direct contact with the manufacturer, which allows the input of personal ideas as well as adjustments of the instrument. Just recently, for instance, my personal ideas regarding the individual ultimate improvement of the sound resistance and the playing enjoyment of my new Adams euphonium became reality by means of an adjustable “gap” at the mouth piece connection, thanks to the Adams brass specialists. I’m thrilled by the opportunities this innovation offers many wind players, and I can hardly wait to hear the reactions of my fellow brass musicians. I won’t have to wait too long, either, because Adams is a meeting point of the international brass scene, and not only as a member of an orchestra, but also as the musical director of the newly established “Brass Band Hessen”, I always benefit from communicating and exchanging opinions and experiences with these enthusiasts.

This is another reason why Hans-Reiner Schmidt is a satisfied Adams endorser and enjoys supporting the top-quality instruments of our house, which are a supreme symbiosis between personal ideas and the art of masterly instrument making.

Hans-Reiner Schmidt's Adams Gear

Curriculum Vitae

Hans-Reiner Schmidt wurde 1958 in Willingshausen-Zella geboren. Von 1978-1983 studierte er an der Musikhochschule Frankfurt am Main und trat 1985 die Stelle als erster Posaunist im Rundfunkorchester des Hessischen Rundfunks an. Seit 1993 ist er Posaunist im hr-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt/Main.

Hans-Reiner Schmidt ist Mitbegründer der „Frankfurt Jazz-Big-Band“ und ist für verschiedene Formationen auch als Arrangeur und Komponist tätig. Für das Blechbläser-Ensemble „hr brass“, dessen Mitglied er selbst ist, hat er bereits zahlreiche Arrangements verfasst. Schmidts Bearbeitungen von Mozart-Werken, die das Ensemble derzeit mit großem Erfolg in seinen Konzerten spielt, sind auch auf der CD „Update“ zu hören .

Außerdem ist Schmidt gern gesehener Dozent auf Orchester-Workshops.
Solo- und Kammerkonzerte mit Euphonium, Posaune und Basstrompete runden sein hohes musikalisches Engagement für diese im Konzertsaal eher selten gesehenen Instrumente ab. Hans-Reiner Schmidt ist Preisträger des 1. Deutschen Bariton-Euphonium Wettbewerbs in Hammelburg 2001 und legte vor wenigen Jahren seine erste Solo CD „Rhapsody for 2“ vor.

Schmidt ist Dirigent und künstlerischer Leiter, der im Frühjahr 2008 gegründeten
„Brass Band Hessen“ (BBH).

Photo: Norbert Klöppel