Pre-owned Trumpets
In addition to new trumpets, Adams also sells second-hand trumpets. These trumpets are technically serviced by our repair department so they are ready to play as soon as you get home. We provide a 6-month warranty on any used trumpet. Each instrument listing indicates which store the instrument is located in, so you can go there to test it. Do you have an old trumpet lying in the attic? We would love to take it off your hands! Click here for more information.
Google Reviews
We are proud to announce that we are currently rated with an impressive score of 4.6 on Google Reviews! This reflects our customers' satisfaction and their positive experiences with us.
Have you recently shopped with us or used our services? We would love to hear your opinion! Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us continuously improve our service. Read our reviews or write your own review on Google Reviews.
Thank you for your trust and support! #TogetherInMusic

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+31(0)475 560 700
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3560 Lummen
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