Adams Musical Instruments - Together in Music

Valve trombones

14-day return policy
Secure online payment
Repair service
Google Reviews 4.6

At Adams, we have a wide selection of models from well-known manufacturers in stock. You can always come to test various trombones. Brands such as Adams, Courtois, Conn, Bach, and Yamaha are available. Our own Adams trombones are designed in collaboration with top musicians.

Do you want to test trombones? You are very welcome! It is convenient to make an appointment via [email protected].

Repair and Maintenance

Our repair department is equipped with the most advanced tools for trombone repairs. Our repair technicians are trained internally and receive training in our factory behind the store. This way, they learn the instruments down to the smallest details and can fix any problem. Our team can repair, maintain, and overhaul all kinds of trombones according to the highest standards.

Contact us and make an appointment at Adams Music Centre in Ittervoort or Lummen.

Make an appointment

Sven Verhofstadt
Siem Crompvoets
Etienne Martens
Freek van de Kruijs
Tom van der Roost

Google Reviews

We are proud to announce that we are currently rated with an impressive score of 4.6 on Google Reviews! This reflects our customers' satisfaction and their positive experiences with us. 

Have you recently shopped with us or used our services? We would love to hear your opinion! Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us continuously improve our service. Read our reviews or write your own review on Google Reviews.

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Thank you for your trust and support! #TogetherInMusic

Questions about a product? Do you have questions about a product or can't find a product? Please contact us. If the product is not available online, we can most likely order it for you.
Music Centre Ittervoort
Aziƫstraat 17-19
6014 DA Ittervoort
+31(0)475 560 700
[email protected]
Music Centre Lummen (BE)
Bosstraat 73
3560 Lummen
+32(0)13 35 20 20
[email protected]