Adams Musical Instruments - Together in Music

School percussion instruments

The school percussion instruments category contains small percussion and shakers. These instruments are intended for primary schools and other music education.

The school percussion instruments category contains small percussion and shaking instruments made of wood, plastic, metal and animal products. These instruments are ideal for learning to play different rhythms. Our range includes: Agogo Bells, Cymbals, Cabasas, Cajons, Castanets, Claves, Cowbells, Guiros, Maracas, Mallets, Shakers, Tambourines, Tone Blocks, Triangles and Woodblocks.

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Google Reviews 4.6

Google Reviews

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Music Centre Ittervoort
Aziƫstraat 17-19
6014 DA Ittervoort
+31(0)475 560 700
[email protected]
Music Centre Lummen (BE)
Bosstraat 73
3560 Lummen
+32(0)13 35 20 20
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