Haynes Flute Academy with Gareth McLearnon
The Choices of your Flute Playing Journey.
Life is full of decisions. Easy decisions, hard decisions, big decisions and small - and flute-playing holds a number of choices to take - from finding a teacher, to buying a new or upgraded flute, to choosing new repertoire, to discovering new techniques and playing level sophistication - and it can be tricky to know which way to turn.
This class aims to help cover some of the choices we make on our flute-playing journey and how to know when to implement good decision making and why.
We will cover flute purchasing options and advice, and when to move up the ladder. Finding a great mentor to guide you to fluting success. Choosing repertoire that will leave you challenged but not overwhelmed. Competition advice and how to present well. Along with tips on how to get the most out of your flute playing with advice on tone, articulation, phrasing and much, much more!