Marc Schaeferdiek
Marc Schaeferdiek studied the oboe with acclaimed teachers such as Ingo Goritzki. In his youth he was a regular prize-winner at “Jugend musiziert” and he carries a cultural-recognition prize awarded by the city of Aachen.
He has performed with orchestras and as soloist and chamber musician in and outside of Germany, including such high-level ensembles as the Gürzenich-Orchestra Cologne and the WDR Radio Sinfonie Orchestra Cologne. He spent over ten years teaching oboe and chamber music at the tertiary music institution the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Cologne, and in 2009 became professor at the Maastricht Academy of Music Zuyd University. He also currently teaches oboe at the Landesmusikgymnasium Rheinland-Pfalz in Montabaur, Germany. In addition to his performing and teaching activities, Marc has maintained a successful oboe-repair business since 1996, bringing him into contact with oboe players from all over the world. He has authored the books “Der Oboen-Doktor” (“The Oboe Doctor”), “oboenbasis” (“Foundations of Oboe Playing”), “Oboenschule Vol. 1 and 2” (“Method for Oboe”), “fagottbasis”, “Basic Technique for Oboe Vol. 1 and 2”, "Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions" for Oboe and "Test Pieces for Cor Anglais". He is in demand for regular masterclasses and workshops on oboe playing and reed-making throughout Germany, Belgium, Rumania, the Netherlands, Korea, Sweden, Israel, Luxembourg, France, Latvia, and America. You can find out more at