Reed Problems and Solutions
Do you need advice on how to fix a problem with a particular reed? Check out this collection of common problems and solutions. This applies only to natural reeds. Synthetic reeds cannot be further modified.
Terms Used
Balancing a reed involves making the left and right sides of the reed equal. Because reed is a natural product, one side of a reed can be denser than the other. In this case, the reed needs to be balanced by removing more material from one side than the other.
In this context, scraping a reed means symmetrically removing material from the reed to improve it.
Problems with Your Reed?
Reed is Too Soft
Use a reed trimmer or 600-grit sandpaper: Trim the tip with a reed trimmer or sand it down with 600-grit sandpaper.
Place the reed higher on the mouthpiece so that the tip extends above the mouthpiece.
Use a harder reed or a different type of reed with more heart or a thicker tip.
If the reed is too soft due to use, an underdeveloped heart, or is made from cane that is not dense enough, trimming the tip will have little effect.
Reed Does Not Vibrate Freely
Use a Reedgeek or sanding tool: Lightly and carefully scrape areas 2, 3, and 4.
Reed is Slightly Too Hard
Use a Reedgeek or sanding tool: Lightly scrape all areas except the heart. Lightly scrape area 3.
Place the reed lower on the mouthpiece so that area 1 is below the tip of the mouthpiece.
Reed Squeaks
Use a Reedgeek, reed trimmer, or sanding tool: If area 1 is too soft, trim a bit from area 1 and adjust the vamp if necessary, then balance and place area 1 at the tip. If the tip is split, trim a bit from area 1 and adjust the vamp if necessary.
The flat side of the reed is warped: Flatten it out.
If the reed is too old or too hard, discard the reed.
It may also be the case that a piece of the mouthpiece is chipped or warped.
You can have the mouthpiece refaced or replaced.

Balance and Articulation Problems
Bark on the Vamp, Causing Balance and Articulation Problems
Reedgeek or Scalpel: Remove the extra piece of bark with a scalpel or a Reedgeek. If you can't see whether there is still bark on it, run a fingernail over the top of the rail. If there is still bark on the reed, it will feel smooth.
Reed Tip Doesn't Match the Shape of the Mouthpiece, Causing Balance and Articulation Problems
Reed Trimmer or 600-Grit Sandpaper: Trim the top of the reed with a reed trimmer so that it matches the shape of the mouthpiece tip. Then balance the reed where needed.
Sand the front edge of the reed with sandpaper until it matches the shape of the mouthpiece. Then balance the reed where needed.